I intend to pray. I've even got a "prayer rug" since there are no comfortable seats in my apartment. I've got a list of things to prayer for: people, places, events, and organizations. I've even got a list of my own things to pray for: life, work, church, relationships. And there's the books. I've got a slew of books telling me to pray, how to pray, why I should pray, how other people have prayed....
I'm ready to pray. And yet... the dog needs to be fed. And walked. The dishes are calling out for a little soap and water, while a distinctive odor suggests I should take out the trash. Then there's groceries to buy, phone calls to make, and, well, it's bed time now. So, I'll pray in the morning. At least, that's the plan until I oversleep and get to work late.
Don't we all have times like that? It sure happens to me far more often that I care to admit. I find the days passing without really praying. Oh, there's the occasional whisper in God's direction, but mostly I'm just living life moment to moment.
Then there's that one sweet hour, where the snow falls or the sun shines and all of life just seems to pause. God's presence is so palpable that you're forced to pause in prayer. Those are the moments that remind me why I pray and what I'm missing.
The snow fell here in Seoul, the biggest snowfall in 103 yrs. For me, it was pure prayer walking to and from work each day. I trudge through slush, praying I don't fall. Then I look up and have to pause. Suddenly, all the gratitude and praise rise to my lips.
The challenge, for me, is to go home that night and say those words to God aloud. To thank and praise him. To tell him what a beautiful world it is and how very much I enjoy it. Then, somehow, prayer isn't a burden, but an overflowing of a fulfilled heart.
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