Saturday, May 1, 2010

The System's Broken

I have a confession. I have student debt. Significant student debt. As in, enough to buy a house in a small town.

Yes, it was my choice.

No, I don't regret it.

Here's a graph that's been floating around:

A lot of people are noticing that college is far more expensive than it used to be, and probably than it should be as well.

I don't have a solution. I'm just saying there's a problem. A lot of people are saying there's a problem.

So, how do we address this? I think we'd better figure out a theology of education, then take a look at economics, politics, sociology, even psychology.

In other words, the answer's going to take a whole lot of brilliant people in a whole lot of important fields. Well, that's also true of global warming, international relations, poverty...

The Church's role? (1)Prayer. (2) Having a theology to ground the answers we seek. If our theology says God created the world and it was good, then we have a starting place to deal with environmental issues. If our theology says that humans are made in the image of God, then we begin to address poverty.

The answers aren't easy, but first, we need to see that there's a problem.

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