Friday, January 1, 2010

Getting Started

Manuals always start with a section entitled "Getting Started". It's just after "What's in the Box" and just before the real information. It's also the section most of us skip. Sure, we check to make sure we got "What's in the Box" and we occasionally refer to the sections later on, but "Getting Started" is about the dullest section. It tends to tell you information like "First, plug in the computer/camera/TV/greatest-newest-gadaget." Thanks, but I think I got it.

The first post of a blog feels a lot like the "Getting Started" section.  Trying to find the voice, tone, theme,  all in one brief, brilliant introduction. But it ends up sounding a lot like "Look, I'm starting a blog! I promise to write every day!" Well, I am starting this blog, but I'm not promising that. What I am promising is this:

I'm on a journey, and I'd like to invite you along. We're in this together. That means, you're voice counts as much as mine.  It means your comments and opinions matter to me, but I'm not looking to argue for the sake of argument. There's a conversation going on; it started long years before we were born and will continue after we're dust. I'd like to listen in on it and see if we can learn a few things. Maybe we'll even add a few words of our own.

In case you haven't figured it out, we're going to be talking about God. No idea what form that's going to take or which direction we're headed. So, things may seem a bit scattered at first. Pardon the dust, just trying to get our bearings. Joining the middle of a conversation is always a bit disorienting.

Well, let's "get started"!

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